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About May

I attended my first vinyasa flow yoga class in 2000 with my husband Adam intending to support this strong and athletic man through his chronic back pain. As an unexpected surprise, we fell in love with yoga and have been devotees ever since. The moving practice of increasing flexibility and building strength while connecting breath to body had me hooked. Now as a yoga teacher, I feel grateful to be of service and give back to my dedicated students a practice that has given me so much.
My sister Kathy and I were raised in the Bay Area by our hardworking, focused, and proud parents who had immigrated to the United States from Hong Kong. The values they taught us would serve us well throughout our lives: be our best in everything we do whether academically or professionally; be respectful towards others; and be our own women stressing individuality, strength and pride.
After graduating from UC Berkeley, I spent the next 25+ years working in the jewelry and accessory industry as an executive, designer/business owner and a consultant. This was my ideal career as I have always been passionate about helping women feel beautiful on the outside by sharing style and accessorizing advice along with my favorite product recommendations. I feel genuinely touched when receiving compliments on my personal style while realizing how much my sophisticated and chic parents influenced me.
Inspired by my sister’s philanthropic efforts, I volunteered with Step Up Women’s Network (SUWN), where I eventually served on the Los Angeles Board of Directors meeting some of my closest friends. As someone who appreciates the importance and impact of mentorship, working with an organization like SUWN that supports and enriches the lives of young women has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.
After practicing yoga for over a decade, I was inspired to enroll in a 200 hour teacher training to broaden my knowledge of the philosophy and history of yoga, human anatomy, and to advance my physical asana practice. With no initial desire to teach, but rather to learn, I realized during teacher training that oftentimes my yoga practice had helped me stay grounded and calm during previous stressful and challenging times. Restorative yoga especially had provided me tools to reflect and help with inward healing to cope with health issues and my father’s passing.
With the goal of helping Type A corporate women, like many of my dearest girlfriends achieve a sense of calm, I began to teach restorative yoga with a focus on giving them “permission to pause.” With a desire to continue to help my students deepen their practice, I also became yin yoga certified.
My favorite 5 “R’s” to teach my students: Restore, Relax, Rejuvenate, Reconnect, Renew are the themes for my newest endeavor Yeung Yogini, a chronicle of my passions. Introducing the intersection of Style & Serenity!
Be at Peace.